
05 April 2023
The Benefits and Challenges of Adopting Verifiable Credentials
In this blog post, we will discuss the limitations of traditional identity verification methods and how verifiable credentials have the potential to revolutionize the way we verify identity.
29 March 2023
How Verifiable Credentials Can Revolutionize Identity Verification
In this post, we explore the limitations of traditional identity verification methods and the potential of verifiable credentials to revolutionize the way we verify identity.
23 March 2023
Understanding Verifiable Credentials
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our blog, providing insights into verifiable credentials and digital identity solutions. Our first post will focus on understanding verifiable credentials.
21 March 2023
Svipe announce support for verifiable credentials
Svipe has taken a step forward by incorporating support for the emerging standard of verifiable credentials (VC). We now issue all our identity credentials as W3C-compliant identity claims, making us a pioneer in the developing ecosystem of verifiable credentials